Sunday, February 3, 2013

Let go and let God

I had an accident last December 2012 [blog entry for the incident].

For the first time in a long time, I literally "Let go and let God".

I conditioned my mind. If I am going to do this, it should be wholeheartedly and not only false feeling of "kabaitan". I should do this first by forgiving the old man. The second thing is trusting God; that from that moment on it would be for the better. The third thing is to forget about this incident and not worry on where the old man will use the money.

Part of the reason I am doing this is I don't want to have anyone to have hard feelings on me. I take curses seriously. I was afraid he might curse me for being cold-hearted and unforgiving with his situation. Even if I want to, I can't force forgiveness. I was too upset about what happened. This should serve as a lesson.

I'm living under grace. I should extend grace to others too.

I returned the 1,000 pesos initial payment he gave me that he said came from his grandchildren's "pamasko". When I learned about it, I never dared touch it. I also did not accepted his final payment of 1,000 pesos. I just held his wrinkly hands and told him I forgive him. I forgot to ask that he forgive me too. After that, my burden and heart became light.

I thanked God after 'cause I know I did the best decision after a long succession of bad ones. I know He's happy of what I did. Peace consumed me and I prayed this is the first of many good decisions I will do in the future. So help me :)

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